2010年3月24日 星期三



个性定制:将使用习惯和个人字典同步在 Google 帐号,并可主动下载最符合用户习惯的语言模型。一个跟您走的个性化输入法。
多彩体验:在重要节假日、纪念日显示 Google 风格的徽标。利用输入仪表盘实时显示准确率,速度等参数。让打字更有趣。
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Windows 中文輸入法

微軟新注音輸入法 2003 微軟新倉頡輸入法 2003 微軟輸入法整合器
微軟新輸入法 2003
  台灣微軟公司為了提昇中文輸入的效率,推出了微軟新注音輸入法 2003 與微軟新倉頡輸入法 2003,讓使用者不須改變使用習慣即可大幅改善中文輸入的速度,請您立刻下載 !


1ㄅ 2ㄉ 3 4 5ㄓ 6 7. 8ㄚ 9ㄞ 0ㄢ -ㄦ
qㄆ wㄊ eㄍ rㄐ tㄔ yㄗ uㄧ i ㄛ oㄟ pㄣ
aㄇ sㄋ dㄎ fㄑ gㄕ h ㄘ j ㄨ kㄜ lㄠ ;ㄤ

Pinyin put
convert pinyin tone numbers to tone marks

Developed in
1958 (February 11) : The PRC adopts Hanyu Pinyin Fang'an (汉语拼音方案 - Scheme for the Chinese Phonetic Alphabet) as the official romanisation method.
1977 (III/8) : The official romanisation system for Chinese at the UN.
1981 (August 1) : Pinyin becomes an ISO standard (ISO 7098: Information and documentation -- Romanization of Chinese).
1991 (December 19) : ISO 7098 gets revised. The Technical committee responsible is ISO/TC46/SC2

It uses the western alphabet in combination with tones. (see also pinyin howto)

Beside not idicating the tone of a word there are two ways display the tones : to put the number of the tone at the end of the word (i.e. zhang3) or by writing the tone (i.e. zhǎng). Input methods don't necessary require to input the tone.
The advantage of pinyin as an input method is that it can be used on a standard (Western) keyboard. The only problem is 'ü', this cannot be inputted using a qwerty-keyboard. 'ü'; is mostly mapped to 'uu' or 'v'. The disadvantage is that the amount of corresponding characters for an input is large,

Example: 中国 > zhong + guo or zhong1 + guo2
(depending on the program to input it could also have been inputted as 'zhong guo' or 'zhongguo')

ME : Google released a pinyin IME. Google Pinyin is completely in Chinese and made to input simplified Chinese but it's also able to use traditional Chinese. To switch to traditional Chinese, go to the settings, dictionary and pick 'traditional Chinese'.
Where to put the pinyin tone marks

A and e trump all other vowels and always take the tone mark. There are no Mandarin syllables that contain both a and e.
In the combination ou, o takes the mark.
In all other cases, the final vowel takes the mark.

For a compharison bewteen ShuangPin and pinyin, check my Jianpin page.

IME : Google released a pinyin IME. Google Pinyin is completely in Chinese and made to input simplified Chinese but it's also able to use traditional Chinese. To switch to traditional Chinese, go to the settings, dictionary and pick 'traditional Chinese'.
web : Taiwan Romanization (pinyin) and culture
web : Pinyin romanization of Mandarin Chinese
web : Where to put tone marks

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Currently translating my thesis to English : more info

zㄈ xㄌ cㄏ vㄒ bㄖ n ㄙ m ㄩ ,ㄝ .ㄡ /ㄥ