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pictures from Ben's weekend . . .he is just over 14 months old now.
Please click here and watch Ben's bedtime routine video
Jo said Ben gets a daily report from the Day Care, so we're obliged to write a report as an nanny and her first assistant.
I let the Romeo and Juliet out; covering with the morning dews, the yard, with its tranquility and equanimity, we felt we're camping in a state park, just like Jo and Sean are. 我讓羅密歐與茱麗葉兩條狗出去大小便;在庭院裡草坪蓋滿了早晨的露水,它的透明與寧靜,讓我們覺得就像Jo與 Sean他們宿營在一個州立公園..
This morning began around 7AM with Ben acting as our alarm clock. The first order of the business for Ben was walking to the master bed room. Once he found out that was empty, he quickly settled with the second best (A Chinese saying is "shrimp would be OK if the fish is not available") Ben had his first 8-oz bottle of fresh milk to start off his day.
今早開始,上午七時左右Ben充當我們的鬧鐘.Ben 第一業務是步行到他爸媽的主臥室.一次,他發現原來是空的,他很快就決定退而求其次(中文意思是"無魚,蝦也好 ," )他喝一瓶8安士鮮奶開始了他的一天行程.
The first field trip is to Bonner's Christmas Wonderland; it was entertaining, educational, and spiritual. The shop (almost six football field size) is decorated with various Christmas themes, so Ben was constantly pointing and giving his comments.
第一次外出冶遊,是去夢納的聖誕仙境;它是集娛樂,教育,和精神糧食.那家商店(幾近6個足球場大小) ,是裝飾著各種聖誕主題,使Ben 不斷用手指指出,並發表他的評論.
We only stayed for not quite one hour and half, and we discovered his pants and stroller seat were sock and wet; Jo, you can not say we didn't feed him. I do not want to bore you guys as to the long list of foods and drinks he has had so far today. He has finished all his beloved bananas and milk, and we had to stop by at supermarket to replete them. If he was missing Jo and Sean, he must have compensated it by eating.
The second field trip is to the Birch Run Outlet; it was less stimulating for Ben. We also introduced McDonald to him.
He had three lessons of Baby Einstein series, including Baby Shakespeare; if you guys do not study my Shakespeare's garden, you may fall behind Ben. I operate Day Care with the spirit of CTY; 3 sessions of studies: morning, afternoon and evening.
他有上三個小小愛因斯坦系列的課,包括嬰兒莎士比亞;如果你們不學習,我的莎士比亞花園,你可比Ben落後. 我是按CTY的精神開辦日間拖兒所;分3段學習:上午,下午和晚上.
He can sit thru one and one-half CDs at a session. I have to grab my The Life of Bertrand Russell (the book I was reading) during the session, as he has longer attention span that I had.
This is the Part 2 of nanny's report:
Ben likes all kinds of high tech gadgets, cell phone is one of them. He grabbed my cell phone without my notice early Friday morning. He began to push the button and the phone rang and Janice was on the phone asking did I just called her? Ben did. He must have been hearing that Janice didn't get a chance to see Ben, so he called wanting to chat with his aunt. The only problem is that this also served as a wake up call for Janice.
Ben喜歡各種高科技產品,手機是其中之一.週五大清早他抓住我的手機,我毫不知情.他開始按手機鈕. 當手機鈴聲響而janice在電話中問我有沒有打電話叫她. 是Ben打電話給她. 他一定聽說過janice沒有機會見到Ben,所以他打電話要與他的姑姑聊天.唯一的問題是,這還是一通喚醒Janice的電話.
Judging upon how excited and 'gratifying' he was on his two field trips Saturday, I was confident that he would go with us when we leave. When we're leaving, Jo wanted Ben to put on his shoes so he could say good bye to us or more appropriately say good-bye to Jo and Sean. He was very glad to come in to the car happily smiling to Jo and Sean. When Jo wanted to take him out, he was holding mom tightly with no intention to leave. Jo called Sean, hoping he could charm him with the father-son bonding, but to no avail. Ben was practically dragged out of the car against his free will and right.
We know the best way to get to Ben's heart is through his stomach; while in the supermarket, I showed him his beloved banana we're buying, he held the banana against his face. He ate two bananas on Saturday; he could have three or more.
I initially had some difficulty setting up the CD on TV; impatient about my inepitude, he was busy himself trying to push all the buttons, and even showed me the CD player. When it finally works, he would asked me to sit down first then he sat on my lap as a comfort sofa.
我起初有些困難,放光碟進去電視機內;不耐煩我不會操作 ,他自己也努力,忙著按動各按鈕,甚至拿光碟播放機給我看.當它最後弄好了,他就叫我先坐下,然後他就坐在我的大腿上當作一個舒適的沙發.
We're looking forward to Jo and Sean's next away trip; but we may have to slip away when we leave, but then we're afraid that we may be perceived as 'abandoning' Ben.
我們期待jo和Sean的下一次外出旅遊;但是當我們離開時,我們可能要用逃離的才走的開, 只是我們擔心,我們可能被視為是'遺棄'Ben了.