This year I was so happy to know that my grape tree had so many grapes.
Well I find out some of grapes seems turn brown and dry out and fall down to the ground. When I asking Mr. Wyler why this happen; he just told me" I don't know!"
But turnaround he did print out some paper about "pruning grapes in home garden" from his computer. And he even helps me out to cut almost 60% off.
Oh! NO! All my grapes went down to the ground but he said:" Don't be afraid to cut! You should cut 90% off last fall and you need to prune again and thin out in March." He told me "the time to prune grapevines is from January through the first of March, when the grapes are dormant."
"To spur prune, prune along main canes to leave two to three bud spurs, each four to six inches apart, Leave no more than 20 to 80 buds per plant, depending on the type of grape. Remove all other one-year-old wood."
"You should begin thinning shoots as early as possible--in june or as soon as clusters can be seen.
If there is more than one fruit cluster per shoot, the loest one (closest to the old can) will usually ripen earliest.
Unless clusters are very small it's usually best to thin down to 1 custer per shoot, especially if thee are 3 or 4 custers.
This is the main permanent stem of the plant.
Immature, soft stem growths of the current growing season are shoots. Shoots arise from buds on wood one or more years old and bear leaves, flowers and fruit.
These are the mature shoots, those which have become woody after growth has ceased. Fruiting cane merely refers to a 1-year-old cane that is capable and suitable for bearing fruit.
These might be called temporary side extensions of the main stem. They are the basal portions of former canes that were left after pruning.
Spurs or renewal spurs
These are 1-year-old canes (preferably originating near the trunk) shortened to two buds. Shoots (and later canes) develop from the spur buds. One of these is selected as a fruiting cane for the following season, thus "renewing" the fruiting wood.
This shoot (or cane) usually arises from the lower part of the trunk.
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寧可少幾串些, 才能長大顆一些