Dear Mom and Dad,
Thanks for all your help during graduation and moving!!! I really
appreciate that you can help me
out so much. I'm very excited to have graduated and to live in my new
building. I just wanted to
say thank you, thank you, thank you for all your support!
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Graduates Reminded to Listen for Patients' Stories
The official Feinberg School of Medicine graduation convocation program listed 162 members of the Class of 2007 who received their MD degrees during ceremonies held May 18 at Navy Pier. Dean Lewis Landsberg, MD, who welcomed the 1,500 or so family and friends in attendance and congratulated the new grads on a job well done, also "graduated" on this day that brought an abundance of blue skies and sunshine to the Windy City.
"As many of you know, in July I will be stepping down as dean of the medical school at Northwestern after eight years," said Dean Landsberg, officiating over his last Feinberg School graduation ceremony. "So this is my valedictory as well as yours."
Sharing what he had learned during his Feinberg School leadership, Dr. Landsberg impressed upon the newly minted physicians the importance of team work and the value that individual efforts bring to group success. As the graduates go forward in their training, they will have the opportunity to build, enhance, and eventually lead a team, according to Dean Landsberg. "You have been selected and trained to take a leadership role in your profession. Your efforts will make a difference at all levels. The impact you will have is apt to be much greater than you realize at the time. I know you will accept this responsibility and use your influence wisely to the benefit of patients and the profession."
Richard L. Rapport, MD (shown at left), a neurosurgeon with Group Health Cooperative in Seattle and author of several nonfiction books and numerous essays, gave the keynote address, while Mark M. Gindi, MD '07, of Los Angeles provided the senior class message. Although 38 years separate their medical school graduation dates, these two physicians—new and experienced—both urged the graduates to really listen and try to understand the stories their future patients will tell them.
Dr. Rapport stressed a higher appreciation of narrative. "Stories are important to doctors," remarked Dr. Rapport, who has read widely from his literary works in personal appearances and on National Public Radio. "We call them histories. They let us know why patients have come to see us. As you no doubt have come to realize, patients don't always directly tell you what is the matter with them."
While Dr. Gindi has graduated from the Feinberg School in a time of high-tech gadgetry and advances in biomedical research that stretch the imagination, he poetically reminded his classmates that the key to being a good physician is the "unwavering belief in the magnitude of the human voice."
"One constancy, from the beginning of medicine throughout all the ages, is that patients will have stories to tell," said Dr. Gindi. "And you doctors, who feel compelled to listen, treat the body, and yes, always but above all, treat the story."
The 2007 graduating class included three class members who also earned PhD degrees and 10, MPH degrees. Northwestern President Henry S. Bienen joined Dean Landsberg in conferring the degrees. Most of the graduates were hooded by their college mentors: Jennifer A. Bierman, MD, instructor in medicine; Gregory E. Brisson, MD, GME '94, assistant professor of clinical medicine; Robert Hirschtick, MD, assistant professor of medicine; and Douglas Van Arsdale, MD, GME '83, assistant professor of clinical obstetrics and gynecology. The senior class presented Dr. Hirschtick with the 2007 George Joost Award for outstanding teaching.
Feinberg School faculty members proudly showed their family ties by hooding graduates near and dear to them. Sanjay S. Kasturi, MD '07, was hooded by his uncle, Janardan K. Reddy, MD, Magerstadt Professor and chair of pathology and chair; Aaron J. Krasner, MD '07, was hooded by his father, Ronald F. Krasner, MD, interim chair and associate professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences; Aimee P. Aguilar Mayuga, MD '07, and Myttle C. Aguilar Mayuga, MD '07, were hooded by their father, Ruperto D. Mayuga, MD, assistant professor of clinical medicine; and David M. Shore, MD '07, was hooded by father Richard Shore, MD, associate professor of radiology. Proud father of Sarah M. Eickmeyer, MD '07, Reverend Terry Laabs gave the invocation.
Posted May 22, 2007
Entry for December 16, 2006 (posted on yahoo KT's blog)
Feinberg School of Medicine Class of 2007 Commencement Information
Commencement Ceremony
Friday, May 18, 2007 at 3:30 p.m.
Grand Ballroom, Navy Pier
600 East Grand Avenue
Chicago, Illinois
The ceremony will last approximately 1 1/2 hours, followed by a reception.
Petition for MD Degree
In order to graduate, all students must complete a Petition for MD Degree. The petition is required of all students and is used by the Registar's Office to verify that each student has completed all of the necessary clerkships and other requirements for graduation. The petition is also where graduates will indicate how they would like their name to be printed on their diploma, listed in the commencement program and announced at the ceremony. The deadline to submit petitions is December 31, 2006.
Graduation Announcements
Graduation announcements, diploma frames and certificates of appreciation featuring the Northwestern University seal can be purchased through the Traditions USA website. Samples of these items are also on display in the Office of Student Programs and Professional Development for viewing. Please visit their website at: http://www.traditionsusa.com/schools/NorthwesternMedicalSchool.asp to find out more information.
Hotel Information
The medical school has reserved a block of rooms at the Hyatt Regency Chicago to accommodate your family and friends traveling to Chicago for graduation weekend. The room rate is $275 for single or double occupancy. Space is limited and on a first come, first served basis. Please note: The National Restaurant Association is hosting its' annual trade show in Chicago on the same weekend. As a result, hotel rooms are extremely limited on this weekend. It it highly recommended that you make your hotel reservations as early as possible.
The Hyatt Regency
151 E. Wacker Drive
Chicago, IL 60601
To reserve your room contact the Hyatt Regency directly at (312) 565-1234 by April 26, 2007. While making your reservations please refer to a group rate for "Northwestern Medical School". You can also access the reservation website at:http://www.chicagoregency.hyatt.com/hyatt/hotels/.
Graduate Regalia
Ordering Regalia - Graduation regalia information will be ordered online through Herff Jones in the spring of 2007. Diane Hill, from the Office of Student Programs and Professional Development, will communicate with the graduates in March 2007 on the ordering process.
Picking up Regalia - Student regalia must be picked up May 15th through May 17th in the Office of Student Programs and Professional development between the hours of 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Returning Regalia - Academic regalia must be returned after the Commencement Ceremony at the check-in at the 2nd floor foyer of the Grand Ballroom.
Faculty Regalia
Ordering Regalia - Graduation regalia information will be ordered online through Herff Jones in the spring of 2007. Diane Hill, from the Office of Student Programs and Professional Development will communicate with the faculty in March 2007 on the ordering process.
Picking up Regalia - Faculty may pick up their regalia on the day of the Commencement Ceremony between 3:00 p.m. and 3:15 p.m. at the check-in desk at Navy Pier. The check-in desk will be located on the 2nd floor foyer of the Grand Ballroom.
Returning Regalia - Academic regalia must be returned after the Commencement Ceremony at the check-in desk at the 2nd floor foyer of the Grand Ballroom.
Each graduate will receive six (6) tickets for the commencement ceremony for their guests. Students may purchase additional tickets for their guests at $15 each. Additional tickets can be purchased through the Office of Student Programs and Professional Development. Please mail your check for payment t
Diane Hill
Office of Student Programs and Professional Development
303 E. Chicago Ave, Morton 1-673
Chicago, IL 60611
Please write "graduation tickets" on the memo line of your check and make your check payable to Northwestern University. Additional tickets must be purchased by April 1, 2007. All tickets will be distributed to graduates during graduation week. Additional tickets are non-refundable.
Presentation of Graduation Hood
Students’ hoods are presented by the college mentor at graduation. If you have a parent, spouse or sibling who is currently on faculty at Feinberg, you may choose to have them present your hood to you at commencement. Please note that the person must be willing to fully participate in the graduation ceremony. This means dressing in full academic regalia, taking part in the procession and being seated on the stage with the rest of the faculty for the entire ceremony. Please contact Diane Hill via email at d-hill4@northwestern.edu to make these arrangement by May 1, 2007.
Graduates - Arriving for the ceremony
There is no rehearsal, so please carefully read these instructions. Graduates should arrive promptly at 2:45 p.m. at the balcony entrance of the Grand Ballroom for assembly, wearing their cap and gown. Graduates will be directed to the designated area for their college, at which time they will be assembled in alphabetical order. Those who arrive late will march at the end of the procession. Once the procession has begun, there is no opportunity for anyone to join his or her group.
Faculty - Arriving for the ceremony
Faculty members are requested to assemble at 3:00 p.m. in the Lakeview Terrace. Faculty will follow the processional and recessional instructions to be provided at a later date.
College Mentors: Mentors are requested to report to the check-in desk at the balcony entrance of the Grand Ballroom by 2:45 p.m. A staff member will assist the mentors to assemble the students alphabetically by colleges.
Graduates and their families are invited to attend a reception following the Commencement Ceremony in the Lakeview Terrace at Navy Pier.
Graduates will receive their diplomas and two copies of their diplomas at the Commencement Ceremony.
The medical school requests that all commencement guests remain in their seats while taking photographs or video. No guests are permitted in the graduates' seating area or in the aisle during processional, commencement ceremony or recessional.
The medical school has a contract with Chappell Photography to secure photographs of the graduates as they receive their diploma and when they are hooded by their mentor. Chappell Photography will contact the graduates withing 5 business days following the commencement Ceremony to provide them with a digital proof. To order individual pictures, please contact Chappell Photgraph at (800) 424-3686, or visit their website at: http://www.gradimages.com.
Special Accomodations
Students, faculty or guests with disabilities who require special accommodations should contact the Office of Student Programs and Professional Development at (312) 503-0440 by May 1, 2007 for assistance. Handicapped parking is available at Navy Pier.
Graduation Luncheon for the Class of 2007
Thursday, May 17, 2007, 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Signature Room, 95th floor, John Hancock Center
The annual graduation luncheon is sponsored by the Office of Medical Alumni Relations. Invitations will be sent to the class by e-mail in April 2007. Contact Erin Mater via e-mail at e-mater@northwestern.edu or via phone at (312) 503-8012 for additional information. A presentation of the "Kenneth M. Viste, Jr. MD'66 Student Service Recognition Award" will be made at this time.
For more information contact:
Jennifer Langland, Coordinator for Student Activities
Jennifer can be reached at: j-langland@northwestern.edu
This page last updated onDecember 12, 2006 2:59 PM
Office of Student Programs and Professional Development
303 E. Chicago Avenue, Morton 1-673, Chicago, IL 60611-3008
Phone: (312) 503-0440 Fax: (312) 503-0438
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