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The Lancet, Early Online Publication, 15 May 2013
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Teriparatide and denosumab, alone or combined, in women with postmenopausal osteoporosis: the DATA study randomised trial
Osteoporosis medications increase bone-mineral density (BMD) and lower but do not eliminate fracture risk. The combining of anabolic agents with bisphosphonates has not improved efficacy. We compared combined teriparatide and denosumab with both agents alone.
From September, 2009, to January, 2011, we enrolled postmenopausal women with osteoporosis into this randomised, controlled trial. Patients were assigned in a 1:1:1 ratio to receive 20 μg teriparatide daily, 60 mg denosumab every 6 months, or both. BMD was measured at 0, 3, 6, and 12 months. Women who completed at least one study visit after baseline were assessed in a modified intention-to-treat analysis. This trial is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT00926380.
94 (94%) of 100 eligible women completed at least one study visit after baseline. At 12 months, posterior-anterior lumbar spine BMD increased more in the combination group (9·1%, [SD 3·9]) than in the teriparatide (6·2% [4·6], p=0·0139) or denosumab (5·5% [3·3], p=0·0005) groups. Femoral-neck BMD also increased more in the combination group (4·2% [3·0]) than in the teriparatide (0·8% [4·1], p=0·0007) and denosumab (2·1% [3·8], p=0·0238) groups, as did total-hip BMD (combination, 4·9% [2·9]; teriparatide, 0·7% [2·7], p<0 2="" denosumab="" p="0·0011).</div">0>
Combined teriparatide and denosumab increased BMD more than either agent alone and more than has been reported with approved therapies. Combination treatment might, therefore, be useful to treat patients at high risk of fracture.
Amgen, Eli Lilly, National Center for Research Resources.
骨質疏鬆症的藥物增加骨礦物質密度(BMD)和降低骨折但不完全排除骨折的風險。雙膦酸鹽結合蛋白同化製劑並沒有改善的療效。我們單獨比較teriparatide 和 denosumab 兩種藥物。
100個符合條件的婦女中有94(94%)完成訪問後,至少有一項研究基楚線。在12個月後。在聯合用藥組(9.1%,[SD3.9)比在teriparatide特立帕肽(6.2%[4.6],P =0.0139)或denosumab狄諾塞麥(5.5%[3.3],P= 0.0005)前位腰椎骨密度增加。
頸股骨組合用藥組(4.2%[3.0])比在單用teriparatide特立帕肽者(0.8%[4.1],P =0.0007)的骨密度也增加了更多。總髖部骨密度也是聯合用藥組骨密度增加了更多,單用denosumab狄諾塞麥(2.1% [3.8],P =0.0238)組,(,單用teriparatide特立帕肽,0.7%[2.7],聯合用藥組合,4.9%[2.9]P <0數據博客逃脫-2 =“數據博客逃脫狄諾塞麥=”“數據博客逃脫-P=0.0011)。</ DIV>
骨質疏鬆症的藥物增加骨礦物質密度(BMD)和降低骨折但不完全排除骨折的風險。雙膦酸鹽結合蛋白同化製劑並沒有改善的療效。我們單獨比較teriparatide 和 denosumab 兩種藥物。
100個符合條件的婦女中有94(94%)完成訪問後,至少有一項研究基楚線。在12個月後。在聯合用藥組(9.1%,[SD3.9)比在teriparatide特立帕肽(6.2%[4.6],P =0.0139)或denosumab狄諾塞麥(5.5%[3.3],P= 0.0005)前位腰椎骨密度增加。
頸股骨組合用藥組(4.2%[3.0])比在單用teriparatide特立帕肽者(0.8%[4.1],P =0.0007)的骨密度也增加了更多。總髖部骨密度也是聯合用藥組骨密度增加了更多,單用denosumab狄諾塞麥(2.1% [3.8],P =0.0238)組,(,單用teriparatide特立帕肽,0.7%[2.7],聯合用藥組合,4.9%[2.9]P <0數據博客逃脫-2 =“數據博客逃脫狄諾塞麥=”“數據博客逃脫-P=0.0011)。</ DIV>
By Amy Orciari Herman
Combination therapy with teriparatide and the monoclonal antibody denosumab increases bone mineral density (BMD) to a greater extent than either drug alone in women with postmenopausal osteoporosis, according to an industry-funded study in the Lancet.
Researchers randomized 100 postmenopausal women with high fracture risk to receive subcutaneous teriparatide (daily), denosumab (every 6 months), or both for 1 year. At the end of treatment, posterior-anterior spine BMD had increased significantly more with combination therapy (9% increase from baseline) than with either agent alone (roughly 6% each). Femoral-neck BMD and total-hip BMD had also increased more with combination therapy.
"The BMD changes in the combined-therapy group were greater than have been reported with any approved therapies," the researchers write. They conclude that their findings "suggest that this specific combination of drugs could be a useful option in the treatment of patients with osteoporosis at especially high risk of fracture."
Researchers randomized 100 postmenopausal women with high fracture risk to receive subcutaneous teriparatide (daily), denosumab (every 6 months), or both for 1 year. At the end of treatment, posterior-anterior spine BMD had increased significantly more with combination therapy (9% increase from baseline) than with either agent alone (roughly 6% each). Femoral-neck BMD and total-hip BMD had also increased more with combination therapy.
"The BMD changes in the combined-therapy group were greater than have been reported with any approved therapies," the researchers write. They conclude that their findings "suggest that this specific combination of drugs could be a useful option in the treatment of patients with osteoporosis at especially high risk of fracture."
I received "Physician's First Watch" email everyday and I do read them,
selectively on those interest to me or I feel I should know and that will cover
most of the articles news. It is quite interesting that the email of my
"Physican's First Watch" and the same one you sent me come together.
Reading daily email of article/news alert, and one of them comes from my
daughter, I am a mighty proud father! How about that!
You're now the "mover" of the trend of osteoporosis treatment, with the bad
publicity surrounding on bisphosphonates (which used to be the mainstream of the
thrapy or the drug of choice), I think Prolia will take off, along with Forteo,
which had been much less commonly used before.
Mom went to a piano recital (Mrs. Kisner's students), mom's Chinese
student, Jonathan, is the only one playing organ. Mrs. Kisner lamente that she
could have the student like you any more. And she was talking about your piano
and organ; I wish she knew your article published in Lancet!
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