粉熱匹茲堡之夜 募款防癌

美華協會青年舞蹈團是當天(10/14/2008 Tuesday atthe Byham Theatre )表演的唯一非營利團體,其餘都是專業表演者。其他節目還有中東肚皮舞、美國百老匯表演、7人清唱等。

This event is called "Hot Pink Pittsburgh" www.hotpinkpittsburgh.org which Lee attended 3 years ago. This is a fundraising event to raise funds for those uninsured women in the Western Pa. It is always held during the month of Oct, month of caner awareness month. Each year the organizer invited local celebrities, TV casts, politicians, VIPs...etc to this event. the guests paid between $60 to $125 or more to support the event. They also invited 6 groups per year to support the program at the Byham Theatre. Three years ago, we were the first EVER non professional group received the honor to perform at the event. This year, they invited us back again (they don't invite the same group 2 or 3 years in the row). We are very excited to be part of this event and it will be held on Tues, 10/14 (they don't usually do on the weekends since the rate of the facility rental is lower) from 5:30 to 9p. Program is from 7:30 to 9p. Last time I brought about 15 of my upper classes students, this year, I am bringing 25 students from 2 levels (age 12 to 18).