Fire Strikes Two Waynesburg houses
A state police fire marshal is investigating the cause of a fire that destoryed two houses on South Cumberland Street in Waynesburg Thursday. Waynesburg Fire Chief larry Marshall said crews were called to the fire about 6:00PM It took firefighters 3 hours to extinguish the blaze. The fire began in a vacan 2 1/2 story house and quickly spread to the neighboring house of J.T. Rafail. Both wooden structures were destroyed by the blaze. Rafail said his stepson and his stepson's friend were upstairs watching television when the two came running down the stairs yelling"Fire." The pair said they could see flames from the house next door through an upstairs window. Rafail and his family fled the home. Marshall said the vacant house was scheduled to be listed for sheriff's sale. Rafail said he had hoped to eventually buy the house, which had been vacant for some time.
Observer-Reporter April 6, 2007
已經過掉八天了! 不知那天4/5/2007大火燒光全部家當的J.T.Rafail 和他女友及其小孩,是否仍住在他姐姐家?
上禮拜,教會有不少復活節活動。 我開車半小時去華盛頓鎮的Wal-Mart買了51棵百合花。 (店家多給了一棵。 事候我只好又跑一趟。去付清那一棵百合花的錢 $3.99。) 星期四晚上七點表演"最後的晚餐"。 我到教堂的途中。看到救火車正忙著撲滅火勢。 那晚上弄不清誰家著火哪? 正好手上有相機就遠遠随便拍攝幾張。 料不到那是朋友家火災了。
聽說他正玩弄手提電腦,就提出電腦跑出來。 東西全燒燬,或救火車灌水遭殃啦!可憐那夜天氣氣溫骤降。
希望他家有保火險! 保險公司會再蓋個新房子給他們住。
有好多年我心存僥倖心理都不投保房屋險。 心想我又沒做傷天害理的事。也從不和人結怨。不會有仇家故意來放火。我"敬天畏神"每禮拜乖乖上教堂。多年來義務替教會管收支帳務。神若有靈也會額外保佑我才對! 寄身天地完全把自己交給神了。直到前年來個女騙子上門借用電話 實則"登門入室"實地勘查來當小偷。損失不少貴重的身外物。大家都沒法置信我家這麼多年來都沒有"房屋險"!! 我這才警醒過來必須投保火災險,順便加些竊盜險。否則一旦出事可就"求助無門"!
所有身外物都可轉眼成空 ,以前以為唯有'知識"存在我們腦中沒有人能偷走。但現在看老人失智。 看到高深學歷的年輕朋友被病魔糾纏。 猛然領悟"知識"也有被掃除之虞。看來“身體健康,心理快樂”才是最重要。 我一輩子風平浪靜閒暇廝混。親友都對我很好,又不愁衣食住行,還健康能呼吸就該歡天喜地了。