我每天要睡覺,就想一想: 有甚麼人和我家人一樣須要上帝的保佑?虔誠祈禱吧!
Joe and Karen 總是第一個浮現的, 我每天都要看她的部落格, 希望看到更多好消息或照片。
幾天沒消息, 原來是Karen 感冒不舒服。 現在Joe 又回去住院。
讀到藍醫師"深夜人未眠"寫給女兒的摯情短信, 非常感動。
幸好藍醫師夫婦把女兒調教的太好。 Karen無怨無悔的陪著丈夫就醫。還要抽空給諸親眾友寫部落格。
報導丈夫就醫換骨随的詳盡消息。堅強的忍下自己的心酸, 保持信心的虔誠祈禱。還要安慰公婆及父母。
我猜Joe吉人天相應該能早日康復! 他的前途仍然無可限量。 這只是老天多餘的錯誤的考驗吧!
Karen and Joe 是臺灣查經班的金童玉女檔。那麼難得的一對佳偶!老天真是玩笑開錯對象啦!!
Victor S 提到...
You are a good daughter and good granddaughter that mom and dad are proud of. Are you a good wife or not? It would be Joe's problem to decide. Remember last time grandma came when Victor Jr.was born. Before they left for home. You were only 10-year-old, hugged grandma and said: " Grandma! I'm going to miss you!". Grandma Turned around with tears:"Either Karen is the most loving grandchild I have, or the education in the USA is the best. Why it didn't happen in Taiwan or in Japan when I was there?" I hope that your cousins in Japan or Taiwan do not see this part. But it was a fact that dad remembered very well and proud of you. We love your "staying positive" attitude. God bless you to have Joe, also the best we love. Altogether,we almost sure Joe and you will conquer this challenge. I feel that the Almighty purposely impose this hardship to train both of you to be better. It has been a very difficult time for you this past week. Dad felt sorry for you. Mom and dad will help Joe and you step by step when needed.
3/14/2007 1:53 AM