弟 子 规
总 叙
弟子规 圣人训 首孝弟 次谨信
泛爱众 而亲仁 有余力 则学文
入 则 孝
父母呼 应勿缓 父母命 行勿懒
父母教 须敬听 父母责 须顺承
冬则温 夏则凊 晨则省 昏则定
出必告 反必面 居有常 业无变
事虽小 勿擅为 苟擅为 子道亏
物虽小 勿私藏 苟私藏 亲心伤
亲所好 力为具 亲所恶 谨为去
身有伤 贻亲忧 德有伤 贻亲羞
亲爱我 孝何难 亲憎我 孝方贤
亲有过 谏使更 怡吾色 柔吾声
谏不入 悦复谏 号泣随 挞无怨
亲有疾 药先尝 昼夜侍 不离床
丧三年 常悲咽 居处变 酒肉绝
丧尽礼 祭尽诚 事死者 如事生
出 则 弟
兄道友 弟道恭 兄弟睦 孝在中
财物轻 怨何生 言语忍 忿自泯
或饮食 或坐走 长者先 幼者后
长呼人 即代叫 人不在 己即到
称尊长 勿呼名 对尊长 勿见能
路遇长 疾趋揖 长无言 退恭立
骑下马 乘下车 过犹待 百步余
长者立 幼勿坐 长者坐 命乃坐
尊长前 声要低 低不闻 却非宜
进必趋 退必迟 问起对 视勿移
事诸父 如事父 事诸兄 如事兄
朝起早 夜眠迟 老易至 惜此时
晨必盥 兼漱口 便溺回 辄净手
冠必正 纽必结 袜与履 俱紧切
置冠服 有定位 勿乱顿 致污秽
衣贵洁 不贵华 上循分 下称家
对饮食 勿拣择 食适可 勿过则
年方少 勿饮酒 饮酒醉 最为丑
步从容 立端正 揖深圆 拜恭敬
勿践阈 勿跛倚 勿箕踞 勿摇髀
缓揭帘 勿有声 宽转弯 勿触棱
执虚器 如执盈 入虚室 如有人
事勿忙 忙多错 勿畏难 勿轻略
斗闹场 绝勿近 邪僻事 绝勿问
将入门 问孰存 将上堂 声必扬
人问谁 对以名 吾与我 不分明
用人物 须明求 倘不问 即为偷
借人物 及时还 后有急 借不难
凡出言 信为先 诈与妄 奚可焉
话说多 不如少 惟其是 勿佞巧
奸巧语 秽污词 市井气 切戒之
见未真 勿轻言 知未的 勿轻传
事非宜 勿轻诺 苟轻诺 进退错
凡道字 重且舒 勿急疾 勿模糊
彼说长 此说短 不关己 莫闲管
见人善 即思齐 纵去远 以渐跻
见人恶 即内省 有则改 无加警
唯德学 唯才艺 不如人 当自砺
若衣服 若饮食 不如人 勿生戚
闻过怒 闻誉乐 损友来 益友却
闻誉恐 闻过欣 直谅士 渐相亲
无心非 名为错 有心非 名为恶
过能改 归于无 倘掩饰 增一辜
泛 爱 众
凡是人 皆须爱 天同覆 地同载
行高者 名自高 人所重 非貌高
才大者 望自大 人所服 非言大
己有能 勿自私 人所能 勿轻訾
勿谄富 勿骄贫 勿厌故 勿喜新
人不闲 勿事搅 人不安 勿话扰
人有短 切莫揭 人有私 切莫说
道人善 即是善 人知之 愈思勉
扬人恶 即是恶 疾之甚 祸且作
善相劝 德皆建 过不规 道两亏
凡取与 贵分晓 与宜多 取宜少
将加人 先问己 己不欲 即速已
恩欲报 怨欲忘 报怨短 报恩长
待婢仆 身贵端 虽贵端 慈而宽
势服人 心不然 理服人 方无言
亲 仁
同是人 类不齐 流俗众 仁者希
果仁者 人多畏 言不讳 色不媚
能亲仁 无限好 德日进 过日少
不亲仁 无限害 小人进 百事坏
余 力 学 文
不力行 但学文 长浮华 成何人
但力行 不学文 任己见 昧理真
读书法 有三到 心眼口 信皆要
方读此 勿慕彼 此未终 彼勿起
宽为限 紧用功 工夫到 滞塞通
心有疑 随札记 就人问 求确义
房室清 墙壁净 几案洁 笔砚正
墨磨偏 心不端 字不敬 心先病
列典籍 有定处 读看毕 还原处
虽有急 卷束齐 有缺坏 就补之
非圣书 屏勿视 蔽聪明 坏心志
勿自暴 勿自弃 圣与贤 可驯致
命自我作 福自我求
心好命又好 富贵直到老
命好心不好 福变为祸兆
心好命不好 祸转为福报
心命俱不好 遭殃且贫夭
心可挽乎命 最要存仁道
命实造於心 吉凶惟人召
信命不修心 阴阳恐虚矫
修心一听命 天地自相保
弟子规 圣人训 首孝悌 次谨信
泛爱众 而亲仁 有余力 则学文
父母呼 应勿缓 父母命 行勿懒
父母教 须敬听 父母责 须顺承
冬则温 夏则凊 晨则省 昏则定
出必告 反必面 居有常 业无变
事虽小 勿擅为 苟擅为 子道亏
物虽小 勿私藏 苟私藏 亲心伤
亲所好 力为具 亲所恶 谨为去
身有伤 贻亲忧 德有伤 贻亲羞
亲爱我 孝何难 亲憎我 孝方贤
亲有过 谏使更 怡吾色 柔吾声
谏不入 悦复谏 号泣随 挞无怨
2008年3月18日 星期二
US 10 Cleanest Cities
No. 1 Miami,FL
Healthy ozone levels, low pollution and high-quality water boost Miami.
No. 2 Seattle ,WA
The nearby Cascade Mountains keep pollution low. Seattle also spends more per capita on waste management than any major city.
No. 3 Jacksonville,FL
The only major city with a top 10 ranking in all the categories.
No. 4 Orlando ,FL
The family-friendly land of Disney scores big on ozone and air pollution levels.
No. 5 Portland, Ore.
Portland has spent $2 billion over the last decade cleaning up the Willamette River. Adding light rail and more sidewalks has cut down on auto emissions.
No. 6 San Francisco, Calif.
The City by the Bay ranks in the top five in waste-management spending and water quality.
No. 7Oklahoma City, Okla.
One of the few land-locked cities on the list, Oklahoma City ranks in the top 10 for both particle pollution and ozone levels.
No. 8 Tampa-St. Petersburg, Fla.
Tampa spends more per capita on waste management than any major city other than Seattle, helping make up for lower rankings on water quality.
No. 9 Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn.
The Twin Cities rank first among major metros for healthy ozone levels, which counters so-so rankings for waste removal spending and water quality.
N0.10 San Jose-Sunnyvale, Calif.
Like San Francisco up the road, San Jose is among the nation's leaders in water quality. The area also cracks the top 10 for lowest levels of air pollution.
2008年3月15日 星期六
【外遇與買春】 性醜聞
”外遇 與 買春 性醜聞”古今中外都有的。實在也沒甚麼好大驚小怪的。
有的女人趁年輕、賣身有價! 敢做敢為。 不怕得性病, 就怕賺少了男人的錢。
准許男人買春, 不許女人賣春。
男人有權有錢去搞外遇。 算他厲害! 大家反正不是我家的事。 社會【頭條新聞】炒作幾天就落幕。 沒人愛聽了。┼他老婆靠他吃飯也沒退路 還要擔心良人被搶奪走了 人財兩空 可能還要被打入冷宮從此被休了!若像衣服被偷取借穿一陣子又扔回來, 就洗洗再穿也無妨。要老婆【寬宏大量】站在做錯事的老公身旁。 硬撐到底! 要想想有小孩要養! 老婆氣走,你等於給外面賤人大好機會就趁機進駐。 你就損失慘重,落個寂寞沒人知。
所以沒做事、沒收入、更沒儲蓄私房錢的老婆只好乖乖的站在偷腥的老公身旁。 傷心、生氣都無濟於事。 咬牙撐下去保全家庭不被破碎、 一切重新來過! 男人沒錢、沒勢就不做怪的,回頭來求饒。 要求【第二次機會】老婆要是不識相、不給機會。 他乾脆【一不做二不休】的把養家責任全丟給女人。 遠走高飛, 那豈不更慘? 所以站【老公身旁】變成歷史經典!
這賣淫女又來搞鬼,遲來的道歉? 簡直是二度傷害嘛!
接受眾生相訪問 稱難忘希兒妲痛苦表情 應召時不知「9號恩客」是紐約州長
【編譯中心綜合19日電】導致前紐約州長思必策(Eliot Spitzer)下台的應召女郎艾希莉‧杜普雷(Ashley Dupre),接受「眾生相」雜誌(People)訪問,坦言自己如何從中上家庭出身的女孩變成賣春女郎的歷程,並向思必策的妻子希兒妲(Silda)公開道歉。
杜普雷說,原先她只知道9號恩客叫「喬治.佛克斯」(George Fox),不知道對方就是思必策。3月初,她接到聯邦調查局通知正在調查1名恩客。3月12日,思必策宣布因「私人原因」辭職,這個原因就是他向賣淫集團「皇帝貴賓俱樂部」(Emperors Club VIP)叫妓女提供性服務。
2月13日,在華府五月花飯店(Mayflower Hotel)817房間,思必策出價4300元與23歲的杜普雷共度良宵。杜普雷說,當時思必策身穿便裝,也沒有保鑣在側,他彬彬有禮,就像做生意,「有些傢伙企圖跟我交談,想認識我;他(思必策)顯然不是那種人,這更像是一筆交易,徹頭徹尾的生意」。
在杜普雷3歲時,母親與父親離婚,她和母親、繼父住在新澤西州,繼父是口腔外科醫生。2002年她17歲時,步哥哥的後塵而離家出走,去社會上鬼混,酗酒、吸毒,製作臭名昭彰的「野性女郎」(Girls Gone Wild)淫穢影帶,後來遭人強暴,變得自暴自棄,她說「這使我認為性與真正的愛情無關」,之後被「皇帝貴賓俱樂部」網羅當應召女郎。杜普雷展望自己的未來,希望在音樂、時裝等方面發展,還要寫書,但「絕不再」賣淫。
Please click this website and view this article from Yahoo.
The Buzz Week in Review
by Molly McCall
Yesterday Fri, 14 Mar 2008 19:00:32 PDT
As we look back in wonder at the events and buzz of the past week, one question comes to mind: What were they thinking? And more specifically...
What was the governor thinking? Or his wife?
Eliot Spitzer's stunning downfall dominated the week's Buzz. And Search. And news. And pretty much everything else. The intense interest in the sordid tale drove queries on "the emperor's club"—the prostitution ring linked to the lawmaker—up nearly 37,000%, making it the fastest moving search on Yahoo! over the past seven days.
Spitzer's wife, Silda, found herself the subject of a surprising amount of scrutiny. An AP story on Yahoo! News reported that many women wondered why she stood by him. The report garnered over 190 votes and parked itself loyally at the top of the week's most popular Lifestyle articles. In Business, a press release from blasted into the #2 slot for the past seven days. It promotes the website's tips on how to make your marriage cheat-proof. Apparently, the ex-first lady's dilemma struck a chord.
The "other" woman in the string of events attracted a colossal amount of attention too, of course. In the week's Entertainment buzz, a Huffington Post piece on Ashley Alexandra Dupre, aka "Karen," the 22-year-old call girl Spitzer was caught making plans with, soared to the top of the week's Buzz. Articles on everything from her MySpace page to her short, sorry biography picked up traction. Her name continues to hover at the top of our hourly searches.
What was Mary Ann thinking?
Though Spitzer rode roughshod over most of the week's news, a few other stories still managed to slip to the top of Buzz. One of them was a Yahoo! News article on Dawn Wells, the actress best known for her portrayal of Mary Ann on "Gilligan's Island." The aging star was caught in a pot bust, fined several hundred dollars, and slapped with six months of "unsupervised probation." But the indignity didn't stop there.
The story stirred a tremendous amount of interest in Search—but not about Dawn Wells. Instead, lookups skyrocketed for Tina Louise, the va-va-voom redhead who played Ginger on the show. We registered an astonishing 13,076% rise in demand for her name (compare that to Wells' 5,860%). Just the thought of Mary Ann triggered all these luscious old memories of Ginger, Ginger's photos, and Ginger's legs. Searchers also boosted "tina louise news" and "tina louise now." What would the Professor say?
What was that, uh, little gnome thinking?
A Boing Boing post about a South American "gnome" rounds out the top three highest-scoring articles in Buzz this week. Some kids out late one night in Salta, Argentina captured cell phone video footage of what appears to be a pointy-hat-wearing, stout little humanoid side-stepping along the street. Whether this is truly a mythic creature unveiled at last, we can't say. But the post entranced Buzz readers. It posted a big Buzz score and garnered hundreds of votes. Searches for "gnomes" jumped more than 400%.
Other stories that spiked in Buzz this week:
—The Vatican updated its list of seven deadly sins, and scored some big Buzz points. Polluters, social injustice-creators, and genetic engineers, watch out.
—The Democratic presidential candidate from Illinois smacked down the notion of Vice President Obama, and drew the highest political buzz of the week. The kafuffle over Geraldine Ferraro's comments also brawled its way upwards.
—The Dallas Morning News reported that Southwest Airlines grounded dozens of jets for safety reasons, and ascended to the top of the week's Business buzz (just beating out Spitzer, Spitzer, and Spitzer).
—Finally, Argentina might have a gnome, but Northern California has proved it has at least one wolverine. A rare photograph of the elusive beast thrilled scientists and Buzz readers alike; the article posted a triple-digit Buzz score.
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Top Searches - Updated Hourly
Rank Subject
1 Ashley Alexandra Dupre Search Results Top Articles
2 The New York Post Search Results Top Articles
3 Ed Mcmahon Search Results Top Articles
4 Contact Press Images Search Results Top Articles
5 Shilpa Shetty Search Results Top Articles
6 Iran Search Results Top Articles
7 American Idol Search Results Top Articles
8 Obama Search Results Top Articles
9 Britney Spears News Search Results Top Articles
10 Google Search Web Site Search Results Top Articles
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Stories with the highest Buzz Score may be displayed on the Yahoo! homepage.
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”外遇 與 買春 性醜聞”古今中外都有的。實在也沒甚麼好大驚小怪的。
有的女人趁年輕、賣身有價! 敢做敢為。 不怕得性病, 就怕賺少了男人的錢。
准許男人買春, 不許女人賣春。
男人有權有錢去搞外遇。 算他厲害! 大家反正不是我家的事。 社會【頭條新聞】炒作幾天就落幕。 沒人愛聽了。┼他老婆靠他吃飯也沒退路 還要擔心良人被搶奪走了 人財兩空 可能還要被打入冷宮從此被休了!若像衣服被偷取借穿一陣子又扔回來, 就洗洗再穿也無妨。要老婆【寬宏大量】站在做錯事的老公身旁。 硬撐到底! 要想想有小孩要養! 老婆氣走,你等於給外面賤人大好機會就趁機進駐。 你就損失慘重,落個寂寞沒人知。
所以沒做事、沒收入、更沒儲蓄私房錢的老婆只好乖乖的站在偷腥的老公身旁。 傷心、生氣都無濟於事。 咬牙撐下去保全家庭不被破碎、 一切重新來過! 男人沒錢、沒勢就不做怪的,回頭來求饒。 要求【第二次機會】老婆要是不識相、不給機會。 他乾脆【一不做二不休】的把養家責任全丟給女人。 遠走高飛, 那豈不更慘? 所以站【老公身旁】變成歷史經典!
這賣淫女又來搞鬼,遲來的道歉? 簡直是二度傷害嘛!
接受眾生相訪問 稱難忘希兒妲痛苦表情 應召時不知「9號恩客」是紐約州長
【編譯中心綜合19日電】導致前紐約州長思必策(Eliot Spitzer)下台的應召女郎艾希莉‧杜普雷(Ashley Dupre),接受「眾生相」雜誌(People)訪問,坦言自己如何從中上家庭出身的女孩變成賣春女郎的歷程,並向思必策的妻子希兒妲(Silda)公開道歉。
杜普雷說,原先她只知道9號恩客叫「喬治.佛克斯」(George Fox),不知道對方就是思必策。3月初,她接到聯邦調查局通知正在調查1名恩客。3月12日,思必策宣布因「私人原因」辭職,這個原因就是他向賣淫集團「皇帝貴賓俱樂部」(Emperors Club VIP)叫妓女提供性服務。
2月13日,在華府五月花飯店(Mayflower Hotel)817房間,思必策出價4300元與23歲的杜普雷共度良宵。杜普雷說,當時思必策身穿便裝,也沒有保鑣在側,他彬彬有禮,就像做生意,「有些傢伙企圖跟我交談,想認識我;他(思必策)顯然不是那種人,這更像是一筆交易,徹頭徹尾的生意」。
在杜普雷3歲時,母親與父親離婚,她和母親、繼父住在新澤西州,繼父是口腔外科醫生。2002年她17歲時,步哥哥的後塵而離家出走,去社會上鬼混,酗酒、吸毒,製作臭名昭彰的「野性女郎」(Girls Gone Wild)淫穢影帶,後來遭人強暴,變得自暴自棄,她說「這使我認為性與真正的愛情無關」,之後被「皇帝貴賓俱樂部」網羅當應召女郎。杜普雷展望自己的未來,希望在音樂、時裝等方面發展,還要寫書,但「絕不再」賣淫。
Please click this website and view this article from Yahoo.
The Buzz Week in Review
by Molly McCall
Yesterday Fri, 14 Mar 2008 19:00:32 PDT
As we look back in wonder at the events and buzz of the past week, one question comes to mind: What were they thinking? And more specifically...
What was the governor thinking? Or his wife?
Eliot Spitzer's stunning downfall dominated the week's Buzz. And Search. And news. And pretty much everything else. The intense interest in the sordid tale drove queries on "the emperor's club"—the prostitution ring linked to the lawmaker—up nearly 37,000%, making it the fastest moving search on Yahoo! over the past seven days.
Spitzer's wife, Silda, found herself the subject of a surprising amount of scrutiny. An AP story on Yahoo! News reported that many women wondered why she stood by him. The report garnered over 190 votes and parked itself loyally at the top of the week's most popular Lifestyle articles. In Business, a press release from blasted into the #2 slot for the past seven days. It promotes the website's tips on how to make your marriage cheat-proof. Apparently, the ex-first lady's dilemma struck a chord.
The "other" woman in the string of events attracted a colossal amount of attention too, of course. In the week's Entertainment buzz, a Huffington Post piece on Ashley Alexandra Dupre, aka "Karen," the 22-year-old call girl Spitzer was caught making plans with, soared to the top of the week's Buzz. Articles on everything from her MySpace page to her short, sorry biography picked up traction. Her name continues to hover at the top of our hourly searches.
What was Mary Ann thinking?
Though Spitzer rode roughshod over most of the week's news, a few other stories still managed to slip to the top of Buzz. One of them was a Yahoo! News article on Dawn Wells, the actress best known for her portrayal of Mary Ann on "Gilligan's Island." The aging star was caught in a pot bust, fined several hundred dollars, and slapped with six months of "unsupervised probation." But the indignity didn't stop there.
The story stirred a tremendous amount of interest in Search—but not about Dawn Wells. Instead, lookups skyrocketed for Tina Louise, the va-va-voom redhead who played Ginger on the show. We registered an astonishing 13,076% rise in demand for her name (compare that to Wells' 5,860%). Just the thought of Mary Ann triggered all these luscious old memories of Ginger, Ginger's photos, and Ginger's legs. Searchers also boosted "tina louise news" and "tina louise now." What would the Professor say?
What was that, uh, little gnome thinking?
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2008年3月13日 星期四
MIT physics professor Walter-Lewin

In one of his more famous demonstrations, Lewin faces down a wrecking ball.
Please click this website and view his video.
High Wire Act
MIT professor and Web star Walter Lewin swings from pendulums and faces down wrecking balls to show students the zany beauty of science.
Walter Lewin is not merely dangling at the bottom of a 15-foot pendulum. He is swinging high and wide, his rapt audience of 300 counting off each cycle.
At 71, he's likely missed his window for a shot at Cirque du Soleil, but the Netherlands-born MIT physics professor seems happy with his own high wire act -- revealing to students, in the most unorthodox ways, the beauty of science.
MIT professor Walter Lewin's elaborate physics demonstrations are a hit in the classroom and online.
His pendulum ride comes at the end of a lecture on Hooke's Law, in which he proves the pendulum's period, or time that it takes to complete one cycle, is not affected by the mass at the bottom -- in this case, his own body.
He will also, on other occasions, suck helium and continue his lecture sounding like a Dutch Daffy Duck to highlight the differences in the speed of sound in certain gases. He'll shoot across the classroom stage astride a bicycle mounted with fire extinguishers to demonstrate a rocket's change in momentum.
"It took me a decade to come to the realization," says Lewin at his MIT office, "that really what counts is not what you cover, but what counts is what you uncover."
What Lewin has uncovered is that requiring the memorization of formulas and equations is not the most effective way to teach. Teachers must, he believes, engage students with action.
One of his students, Carolyn Crull, a civil engineering major from San Diego, says Lewin's classroom theatrics have helped open her eyes to her surroundings.
"A lot of students spend their days just staring at the ground as they walk around," she says, " but, maybe you will look up every once in a while and see the beauty in the world."
While Lewin's students can see this first hand, a thousand others, many with little connection to the science world, watch each day online, sampling one of his 100 videotaped lectures made available through MIT's open courseware site.
His devoted Web following routinely makes him the most downloaded podcast on the Apple Store's "iTunes U." From email responses to his lectures, he's purportedly help snap some viewers out of depression, inspired career changes and even attracted two marriage proposals.
"You have to challenge [students]. You have to be a little fun. I could make them sit on the edge of their seats, I could make them wet their pants." — Walter Lewin
But Lewin says one of his most meaningful notes was from a man claiming to be from Iraq.
"In spite of the bad occupation and the war against my lovely Iraq," it reads, "you made me love USA because you are there and MIT is there."
The adulation is understandable. Lewin's lectures are not improvised, slapped-together affairs. They are intricate three-camera shoots, with each lecture taking forty hours to prepare and Lewin rehearsing them completely three times before students ever see them.
With cranes, pendulums and a number of construction-size visual aids that often have to be custom built in a university workshop, the lectures aren't cheap either. The series, funded by an outside grant, costs as much as $300,000.
At that price tag, it is important students are actually learning. Lewin ensures this, he says, by adhering to three principles; clarity, timing and suspense -- keep the focus tight, be precise and end with a big finish.
In one of his most dramatic and popular lectures, Lewin's big finish involves putting his face in the trajectory of a 33-pound steel wrecking ball to demonstrate Hooke's Law.
He holds the ball near his face and tells his audience if he provides even the slightest push, rather than just allowing the ball to swing away on its own momentum, it will be his last lecture. Students edge forward in their seats as he begins the countdown.
In one of his more famous demonstrations, Lewin faces down a wrecking ball.
"You have to challenge them. You have to make them laugh occasionally; you have to be a little fun. If I want to, I could make them cry, I could make them sit on the edge of their seats, I could make them wet their pants," Lewin says with unabashed confidence, "If you are really an artist, you can do all these things."
And there's little doubt that while he has a head for science, he also has the heart of an artist. That's fitting for a man who earned his PhD at the University of Delft, located in the hometown of one the most famous 17th century Dutch painters, Johannes Vermeer.
Inspired by his parents' love of art, Lewin himself has become an avid collector, but focuses on the modern. In his home he showcases works from such acclaimed contemporary artists as Julian Schnabel, Larry Rivers, John Wesley and Jacques Lipchitz.
"My interest in visual effects in my lectures may well have been influenced by my love for contemporary art," he reluctantly offers, after being pressed on the subject.
He's admittedly eccentric, sporting a revolving array of interesting rings and jewelry in the classroom, including broaches in the shape of bananas or fried eggs.
Lewin's commitment and enthusiasm are never in question. Especially in videotaped moments like this one:
"Five, four, thee, two, one," Lewin counts and very, very, gently releases the wrecking ball.
It swings back on a wide arc until it loses forward momentum and then drops back in the other direction, headed right for Lewin's face.
The professor close his eyes as a puff of wind from the ball blows kisses to his face, but the ball itself stops just millimeters from the tip of his chin. Students gasp.
"Physics works! And I'm still alive," Lewin exclaims to thunderous applause.
It's clear that those present or watching online will not soon forget this lesson on the conservation of mechanical energy -- nor the man who taught it to them.
-Producers: Erin Green, Robert Padavick
-Video editor: Jon Brick
Comments and Feedback
I wish Professor Lewin had tought my science courses! He really makes it interesting, fun, as well as informative!
POSTED Tue, Mar 11, 2008 4:50 PM PDT
taught is the way to spell the word not TOUGHT! Who taught you how to spell? lol
POSTED Wed, Mar 12, 2008 9:16 AM PDT
Dear Lord, forgive us our Typos as we ridicule those who Typo against us... I also wish that I'd had a teacher as interesting as Mr. Lewin. Most of my teachers in grade school just put me to sleep.
POSTED Wed, Mar 12, 2008 1:07 PM PDT
Man, I love teachers they are crazy. This guy is grate!
POSTED Wed, Mar 12, 2008 5:31 PM PDT
It's obvious he doesn't teach to live, he lives to teach... Very Impressive !!!
POSTED Wed, Mar 12, 2008 6:09 PM PDT
He should have his own show on PBS. Like 'Bill the Science" had a few years ago....I love his passion...we need more people like him all over the country! SCIENCE RULES!!!
POSTED Wed, Mar 12, 2008 6:15 PM PDT
In 1946 Professor Hans Mueller was an equally enchanting physics lecturer who was beloved by all who attended his classes.. Must be a tradition at MIT?
Charles R
POSTED Wed, Mar 12, 2008 8:48 PM PDT
Seems like a really awesome teacher. They should make videos for school age children science classes, I'm sure it would go over - BIG!!
POSTED Thu, Mar 13, 2008 1:47 AM PDT
hello, my fellowers students. i use this oppotunity to encounter you. on your behavious in the class, and am so interesting on it. in this case, i wish you the best on it. Tanks you for your co-oporation and i want more information. good bye.
POSTED Thu, Mar 13, 2008 3:14 AM PDT
If only all teachers had such dedication and enthusiam! He's very entertaining and fun to watch. What a difference Science class would have made if he had been my teacher! I might have actually learned something!
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